SQUID Project Group Members

Group Members

Please look at the progress report's section on division of labour for more detail on the positions held by members of the group.

Christopher King (ck5423@bristol.ac.uk) - Editor
Ben Powell (bp5859@bristol.ac.uk)- Deptuty Editor
Timothy Atkins (ta5163@bristol.ac.uk)
Matthew Brain (mb5686@bristol.ac.uk)
Richard Dawe (rd5718@bristol.ac.uk)- Maintainer of these Web pages
Josef Dubicki (jd5128@bristol.ac.uk)
Simon Hilton (sh5467@bristol.ac.uk)
Daniel Holt (dh4998@bristol.ac.uk)
Jisu Kim (jk6087@bristol.ac.uk)
Barney Lawrence (bl5770@bristol.ac.uk)
Matthew Trott (mt5187@bristol.ac.uk)- Computing bod
Scott Whittlesea (sw5890@bristol.ac.uk)
Steve Yates (sy5716@bristol.ac.uk)

This page was last updated on Wednesday October 28th 1998.