SQUIDs: A Technical Report

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Table of Contents

The technical report has been divided into separate pages so that it can be viewed in parts.

Part 1: Superconductivity

The Meissner Effect
The Classification of Superconductors
The BCS Theory

Part 2: Flux Quantisation and Interference Effects

Flux Quantisation
Theory of the Josephson Junction
DC Josephson Effect
AC Josephson Effect
Interference and SQUIDs

Part 3: SQUIDs

SQUID Theory
Real DC SQUIDs: Loops with Inductance
Practical DC SQUIDs
DC SQUID Circuitry
Sensitivity Limitations
Junction Types
Theory of a Single Junction Ring
The RF SQUID System
Practical Devices
SQUID Materials
Fabrication Techniques
Resistive Films
Other Techniques

Part 4: Applications

Magnetic Field Measurement using SQUIDs
Making Electrical Measurements using SQUIDs
The Direct Current (DC) Comparator
Radiation and Alternating Current
Measuring the Magnetic Moment and Susceptibility
The Use of SQUIDs in Noise Thermometry
Scanning SQUID Microscopy
Geophysical Applications of SQUIDs
Brain Imaging

Part 5: Miscellaneous

Commercial Systems
Other Applications
High Temperature Josephson Junctions

Part 6: References


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