Got me some OpenID

Got me some OpenID

I finally signed up for an OpenID identity with MyOpenID. I’d been meaning to try out a single sign-on scheme for a while. OpenID hits all the right buttons for me: open, lots of implementations, low barrier to entry (compare that with Microsoft Passport).

I found the following blog post and sites helpful:

The process was pretty straightforward, with one twist. I wanted my OpenID name to be, i.e.: to delegate from my personal domain/host to the actual OpenID server. OpenID is designed to support this.

Here are the steps in getting it working:

  • Read lots of web pages about OpenID. ;)
  • Sign up for OpenID at MyOpenID.
  • Test out my new OpenID by using OpenIDEnabled’s test page, and also by logging into LiveJournal with OpenID.
  • Set up a virtual host on my web server for
  • Create a basic web page for
  • Set up the OpenID delegation. Add the link and meta tags to’s web page, as described in "Use your own URL as an OpenID".
  • Test out my new OpenID by using OpenIDEnabled’s test page, and by posting on Wez’s blog.

One thing I was hoping for is that I could log into LiveJournal with my OpenID, rather than my actual username. Currently there is no link between LJ account and an OpenID, so that isn’t possible. The OpenID does allow people to authenticate themselves, so that comments can be tied to a particular OpenID.
